1. The advertiser must register in the https:///adv.auditel.it portal. Can the advertiser be assisted in this step by the CM/Production Company?

Yes, the advertiser can be assisted. The important thing is that the registration information refers to the advertiser and that the account activation steps involving acceptance of the terms of use are carried out by the subject.

2.Who is responsible for uploading the creative video file to the portal to generate the CUSV code?

This step is usually the responsability of the post-production company. The quality management of the uploaded video falls completely on the post-production company.

The media center must request the production/post-production companies to generate the cusv code through the cusv.auditel.it portal.

The post-production company must:

  • Register with Auditel's portal at cusv.auditel.it and upload the video, in order to obtain the CUSV code. The company must first register through an institutional contact person. Then, the contact person will be able to create the users for the operators, who will be enabled by the contact person to upload the creativities;
  • Insert the CUSV code in the AdRepositories, in the auditel_spot_id field, regarding campaigns for traditional TV

3. Can the same CUSV code be reused for subsequent campaigns?

No, you have to reload the creative and generate a new CUSV code.

4. In case the campaign includes creatives with different durations, is it necessary to create multiple codes?

The CUSV code is unique for each video uploaded. Therefore, if the creative involves multiple file uploads, it is necessary to request multiple CUSV codes.

5. How is the insertion of the tracking code into the AdServer ?

For campaign scheduling on AdServers, the VAST 4 standard must be adopted;

Depending on the type of AdServer used, the CUSV code should be entered in a specific field:

  1. If you use an AdServer belonging to Clients, Agency or Media centers
    • Google Campaign Manager: in the "Universal AD Id" field, selecting "Other" as the option
    • Flashtalking: in the "Universal AD Id" field, leave the "Registry ID" field blank
    • Sizmek: you need to directly request Sizmek to enter the code

6. Is the CUSV perimeter limited to websites corresponding to TV channels, or does it also include digital concessrionarie sites?

The perimeter of measurement includes the properties of TV publishers: websites and apps. The list is always updated at www.auditel.it, under the CUSV section.

7. What are the connected TV properties?

We recommend that you refer to the Auditel site

8. Following the elimination of an advertiser from the system, the campaigns already detected with CUSV are blacked out as public data?

It all depends on the choice the advertiser made when registering the campaign. In case the campaign was labeled as "confidential campaign," following the deletion from the advertiser's system, it will remain private. On the contrary, if the campaign has been marked as a "public campaign," it will remain so following the deletion of the advertiser.

9.What are the costs of placing CUSV on a campaign?

There are no costs for using the CUSV code.

10. Which Software Houses receive linear and digital CUSV data?

Auditel over the years has informed, involved and supported the Software Houses that currently receive Digital and SuperPanelâ„¢ data, with the aim of empowering them to implement all the developments necessary to integrate the new solutions. The Software Houses in question are: Geca, Media Consultants, Memis, Mediasoft, Nielsen and TechEdge.

11. Does the CUSV survey also allow for unique users reached or does it return only the "gross" streaming data?

The CUSV survey currently returns only the "gross"streaming data. In parallel with the developments of the Total Audience project, it is planned to integrate deduplicated metrics and individualization by gender and age group.

12. Should an addressable creative on TV be uploaded to the offline TV circuit (via adRepository) or via the digital one (via ADServer)?

Usually, to upload an Addressable TV creative, the digital stream via AdServer is used. However, it is best to discuss the ideal mode with the concessionaire.

13. Once the video is uploaded to the cusv.auditel.it portal and the code is obtained, what are the next steps?

Once the CUSV code is obtained, it should be entered in the AdServer, in the UniversalAdId field (for the digital side) and in the "auditel_spot_id" field of the AdRepositories (for traditional TV).

It is a good rule, however, that the Media Center should communicate the CUSV code to the concessionaire, thus making it known that it is a "cusv" campaign, especially if the campaign is direct.

14. Should the file name of each commercial be changed to cusv code?

It is not necessary, this is Auditel's suggestion that the file name of each spot contain it CUSV code, so that those who will create the campaign will always have the code available along with the video file.

For information you can write to the email address cusv@auditel.it.